In honor of Maryville’s George Quarles collecting his 200th win as coach of the Rebels with Friday’s victory at Lenoir City, Blount Press Row is publishing again a Bio Blast the coach did for us a while back.
Congratulations, Q!
The Bio Blast! on: George Quarles
Who he is: Athletics director and head football coach at Maryville High School.
Why we like him: His win/loss record in 14 seasons at Maryville (208-14) is just nuts. Throw in nine state championships, 12 championship game appearances and a state record 74-game winning streak, fourth-best all time nationally, and we’re talking about something that doesn’t happen anywhere very often.
Maryville has produced nine Mr. Football winners during his tenure. Several others were finalists. He’s 11-3 against Alcoa. (Editor: We will rise.)
That’s not it, though.
You learn a lot about people by watching their kids. George and wife, Leslie, are great with Jack and Beau. Beau doesn’t do a lot of talking yet, but Jack’s a gem. Manners like that in a kid so young is never an accident.
Plus, when your initials are “G.Q.,” or “G.” or even “Q.,” how can you lose?
Signature moment: 2000, down, 21-0, to Halls at halftime, pulling senior and Marshall commitment Scott Wilks at quarterback for Nick Giles. Maryville lost, 21-14, the Rebels’ fourth loss to start the season, but a dynasty was born that night.
What we’re dying to find out: George was an All-American receiver on Furman University’s 1988 national championship team. With a Webmaster and a Navy buddy living in Greeneville, S.C., we’re pretty familiar with the school. The nickname for the Furman sports teams, Paladins, is one of our all-time favorites.
Coach, do you read a lot of Charlemagne?
Quoting George: When told the Tennessee Secondary School Athletic Association was backing an official’s call on a controversial two-point conversion play in last season’s state championship game, a reversal that negated a one-point Maryville lead with less than a minute to play, the Rebel coach replied: “That’s disappointing.”
Without further ado, here’s: George Quarles
What is your best sports memory?
“My favorite sports memory is our 2000 MHS football team starting 0-4 and then winning 11 in a row and a state championship.”
Why do you love playing your sport?
“I love football because it reveals so much about people. Football is hard and not a lot of fun to practice. I like the fact that it is not for everyone. It takes a certain amount of discipline to be able to play the game well.”
Who has had the greatest influence on you in sports?
“My dad has had the greatest influence on me in sports. He taught me to be competitive and to work hard on the skills of the sport.”
What athlete would you most like to meet?
“I would love to meet Jack Nicklaus. I loved the way he competed while still doing it with class.”
What is your favorite subject in school?
“My favorite subject in school was math. I like to figure out problems and I am pretty good at thinking in math terms.”
What is the best advice a coach ever gave you?
“The best advice a coach ever gave me was ‘enjoy every snap because it goes by fast.’”
What is the best sports movie ever made?
“The best sports movie ever made is ‘Hoosiers.’”
Who’s your favorite superhero?
“My favorite superhero is Superman because he has it all. He can fly, run fast, incredible strength. Name it and he has it.”
Who’s your favorite sports figure/team?
“My favorite pro team was the Rams. I think it was because I liked their uniforms so much (cool helmets). I was a huge Eric Dickerson fan. He was so smooth in his style of playing running back.”
What’s your most embarrassing moment?
“I’ve had some embarrassing moments, but the worst one was forgetting one of our player’s name at a pep rally. I was introducing the seniors at a pep rally when I got to an unnamed player and drew a blank. I could not remember his name. He was a starter too and someone that I could never forget. That is why I now always go with a list when I have to introduce anyone.”
If you could play a different sport, what would it be?
“If I could play a different sport, it would definitely be golf. Golf is a game that you never really own. You can borrow parts of it but never own it.”
If you could go to the World Series, the Super Bowl or the Daytona 500, which one would you chose and why?
“I would like to go to a Super Bowl because it is the biggest game in the sport of football. There is not a seven game series. Instead there is one final game.”
About Stefan Cooper

Stefan Cooper is an award-winning sports journalist in Blount County, TN. Stefan has been writing about local sports for more than 25 years. In fact, he's writing stories today about the kids of players he used to write stories about. You'll spot him biking around town, hanging out at a coffee shop or Southland Books, or in his natural habitat: the sideline of the game.
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