McKenzie Sherman
The Bio Blast on: McKenzie Sherman
Who she is: Senior catcher for the Heritage High School softball team. She signed with Tennessee Tech in December.

Heritage senior McKenzie Sherman signs a National Letter of Intent to play her college softball at Tennessee Tech. Accompanying Sherman are mom, Julie, and dad, Jeff. Photo by Jolanda Jansma
Why we like her: McKenzie is living proof you can be an elite athlete and still be someone worth knowing off the playing field. On the softball diamond, she’s got all the tools: power, a rocket arm to second base and a commanding presence behind the plate. She can get the big hit. She can hit for average. The look on her face when she guns down a base runner trying to steal is priceless.
Signature moment: The home run she hit at Bearden in last season’s district tournament was picked up by the Hubble.
What we’re dying to find out: Which is better? Getting the game-winning hit or throwing out the other team’s last base runner trying to steal second?
Quoting McKenzie: On playing in her first Little League softball game: “I remember the feeling of what it felt like to just play. It’s still that feeling everyday.”
Without further ado, here’s: McKenzie Sherman
What is your best sports memory?
“Hitting my first home run.”
Why do you love playing your sport?
“Because no matter what has gone on during the day I can go to the field and it all goes away.”
Who has had the greatest influence on you in sports?
“Both of my parents.”
Who is the best teacher you have had and why?
“Coach Hendricks. He cares about his students not only in the classroom but also outside of the classroom.”
What athlete would you most like to meet?
“Chipper Jones.”
What is your favorite subject in school?
“American history.”
What is the best advice a coach ever gave you?
“Have fun playing the sport you love. Give it all you’ve got, and it won’t matter if you win or lose.”
What is the best sports movie ever made?
“‘Remember the Titans,’ hands down.”
What is your favorite activity outside of your sport?
“Photography and being in the outdoors.”
Who is your favorite super hero?
What is your favorite sports figure or team?
“Kentucky Wildcats.”
How did you get started in your sport?
“My dad (Jeff) coached baseball when I was growing up and I would be at the field with him, and I fell in love with baseball and then I started playing softball.”
Who has been your favorite coach and how have they helped you outside of the sports spectrum?
“Tony Murr. He’s always been there if I just needed to talk and has helped me a lot through high school and getting my name out for colleges.”
Tell me who you are using one sentence?
“I am a ball player.”
What is your most embarrassing moment?
“Sophomore year in the district tournament. We were losing to Maryville by a run. I hit a triple to right field and looked to see how far it went. If I hadn’t have looked I could have gotten an inside-the-park home run and we would have tied it up. I felt awful and still have bad dreams about it.”
If you could have one super power what would it be and why?
“Reading people’s minds. I want to know what they are thinking.”
What does being a Mountaineer mean to you?
“It means having pride in who I am and where I come from.”
If you could play a different sport what would it be?
If you could go to the World Series, the Super Bowl, the Daytona 500 or any other sporting event what would it be and why?
“The World Series because I love watching baseball.”
Who is the one athlete that everyone should know more about not just because they are good at their sport?
“Kathryn Pryor. She’s so strong in her faith and is one of the nicest people I know.” (Editor’s note: We agree.)
Would you sign Tebow?
About Stefan Cooper

Stefan Cooper is an award-winning sports journalist in Blount County, TN. Stefan has been writing about local sports for more than 25 years. In fact, he's writing stories today about the kids of players he used to write stories about. You'll spot him biking around town, hanging out at a coffee shop or Southland Books, or in his natural habitat: the sideline of the game.
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