Brian Coulter
The Bio Blast! on: Brian Coulter
Who he is: All-State senior defensive back on the 2012 Maryville High School football team.

Rebel saftety Brian Coulter gets the defensive signals during the Dobyns-Bennett game. Photos by Brandon Shinn
Why we like him: Brian played football with the gas full on. That is, he would strike you, as hard as he possibility could. You never got the feeling you were interviewing a football player when you spoke with him after a game. You always felt you were talking to him. There’s a distinction there. Athletic success, however grand, is fleeting. This guy, you knew, would always be his own man.
Signature moment: Well, there was the hit at West last season. Kawabunga!
What we’re dying to find out: What are your thoughts after taking a good, long look at your head coach’s win/loss record at Maryville? (Editor: George Quarles is 193-14 in 14 seasons at the Rebel helm, a run that includes a state-record 74-game win streak and nine state titles.)
Quoting Brian: At a recent Maryville basketball game, Blount Press Row photographer Jolanda Jansma informed Brian the editor is an Alcoa graduate. “Oh, we’ve got to fix that,” Brian said. He sent Jolanda back with the gift a new “Maryville Basketball” t-shirt. Incorrigible.
Without further ado, here’s: Brian Coulter
What is your best sports memory?
“My best sports memory if I had to choose one would be the final home game my senior year against Dobyns-Bennett. The crowd was great and the atmosphere was electric. I loved disappointing all of Kingsport.”
Who had the greatest influence on you in sports?
“I think myself. Even if that sounds vain or narcissistic, it is true. The fact is I have never been satisfied with myself in sports. I always challenged myself to go further. Whether it was for my pride or because I wanted to make sure that I didn’t let my community down.”
Who is the best teacher you’ve ever had? Why?
“My father has been the best teacher in my life because he never stressed what it was to be a great athlete or great student. He would talk to me about that, but more so how to be a great man. I don’t think I am, but I think he helps me to be more of one every day.”
What athlete would you most like to meet?
“Kobe Bryant. He’s a publicly paid assassin.”
What is your favorite subject in school?
“History. More so war history.”

Brian Coulter, left, talks with Maryville defensive backs coach Nick White during the Maryville College 7-on-7 camp last summer.
What is the best advice a coach ever gave to you?
“Hit him right between the eyes the first play and he will be timid to be around you the rest of the game.” – Nick White
What is the best sports movie ever made?
“‘Like Mike.’ I don’t really like sports movies though.”
What is your favorite activity outside of sport?
“Drawing. I like to think I’m a good artist. Really, with just a pencil. I have a lot of drawings in my room.”
What is your favorite superhero?
“Batman. I know everyone loves him now. But I have since I was little. I have always been enamored with the dark knight mythology.”
What’s you favorite sports figure/team?
“VOLS. It’s hard being a fan sometimes but the Vols are my team.”
How did you get started in your sport?
“I begged my parents. Didn’t stop until they let me.”
Who has been your favorite coach, and how have they helped you outside of the sports spectrum?
“My favorite coach was (Maryville defensive backs) coach (Nick) White. He was my position coach so I spent a lot of time with him. He didn’t really help me outside of sports except for girl advice maybe.”
Tell me who you are in one sentence.
“I love ‘Lord of the Rings.’”
What is your most embarrassing moment?
“One time in lunch I sat in a broken chair and it collapsed. People laughed.”
If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?
“Telekinesis. I would love to control my things with my mind. Kinda like the force. I actually have been training my mind to do telekinesis. No results yet, but it’s still early.”
What does being a Rebel mean to you?
“It means I have a target on my back and I will get everyone’s best effort to make me fail. It’s an “us against the world” mentality but that is the position we have been put in. It means doing my best every moment and sacrificing a little in the pursuit of something great. I was proud every Friday to go play football in a uniform with Maryville written across my chest and a whole community behind us. My days at Maryville are coming to an end, but once you’re a Rebel you are always a Rebel.”
If you could play a different sport, what would it be?
“I’d play soccer. I used to be really good but I just stopped. My children will play soccer.”
If you could go to the World Series, the Super Bowl, the Daytona 500, or some other major sporting event, which one would you choose and why?
“I would choose the Super Bowl I think. Probably just for the halftime show though.”
Who is the athlete everyone should know more about, not just because they’re good at their sport?
“I think it would be Kobe Bryant. Everyone knows about him, but he funds a lot of charities. He was a high school All-American in soccer, and he can speak fluent Italian.”
Would you sign Tebow?
“No. He would just cause unrest with the team because of his media attention. I think Tebow loves the spotlight . Probably a good guy, but not gonna pick him. And I hate the Gators.”
About Stefan Cooper

Stefan Cooper is an award-winning sports journalist in Blount County, TN. Stefan has been writing about local sports for more than 25 years. In fact, he's writing stories today about the kids of players he used to write stories about. You'll spot him biking around town, hanging out at a coffee shop or Southland Books, or in his natural habitat: the sideline of the game.
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