The Electric Slide
Western saddle showstopper only part of equestrian appeal
By Stefan Cooper
Blount Press Row

Lauren Kiningham puts Nugget into a power slide at the Last Lap Ranch recently. Photos by Jolanda Jansma
Lauren Kiningham puts Nugget into a lope at the far end of the paddock.
Halfway down the far rail, she sprinted.
A horse the size of the one Kiningham is aboard is more than mere spectacle with the gas all the way on. The ground shakes as Nugget pounds past.
As the turn nears, Kiningham doesn’t let up. Nugget is pouring on tremendous speed. Strides from disaster, Kiningham instructs Nugget to slide.
That’s right, slide.
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About Stefan Cooper

Stefan Cooper is an award-winning sports journalist in Blount County, TN. Stefan has been writing about local sports for more than 25 years. In fact, he's writing stories today about the kids of players he used to write stories about. You'll spot him biking around town, hanging out at a coffee shop or Southland Books, or in his natural habitat: the sideline of the game.
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